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Hello Readers,

Lately I have had many photographers who are just beginning ask me; "What are some free online editors that I can use without paying a couple hundred dollars?" Hey, I totally get it....if you are uncertain of whether or not photography is even your thing, why would you spend the money on Adobe PS (Photoshop) or Lightroom?!? I know I didn't. So before you get discouraged, I thought I'd share a couple of my favourite free/cheap editor sites which I used before I purchased PS! Ok, lets get to it......

This is probably one of my favourites and I actually use this one most times while I'm traveling since I do not have my PS on my Macbook laptop.

It has the ability to adjust the regular settings (such as exposure, contrast, sharpness, etc.) but it also has the ability to make adjustments to portraits, such as eye-brightening, teeth whitening and many more useful adjustment settings.

This is pretty much 100% free as long as you set up an account which is basically just your email and password.

This one is almost as good as Fotor, minus a couple of the extra features. It has the ability to do all the standard edits, however there are not nearly as many face enhancements for free with this one. Many of the features for touch-up are locked for members only, though this membership is not expensive at all.... around $3.99 a month. Having said that, there are numerous free features which you can use without paying for this membership.

Ok, this one is not a very well known site, but it so deserves to be promoted! It is more outdated and not nearly as modern looking as the previous two, but nevertheless, it is easy to use and has pretty much every adjustment available for free. The one downside to this website is their filters. While, both Fotor, and PicMonkey have numerous filter choices, iPiccy has very few. However, if you aren't one to use filters much (like me) than this is absolutely perfect for you!

Personally, I have only tried this one once and though it seemed great, I cannot give many details because the three above are the ones I use probably the most.

I have many photographer friends who swear by GIMP though and from what I have studied, it is about on the level of Adobe Photoshop, though a little less complex. (and cheaper price.)

Definitely give this one a try though if you want something a bit more advanced than the other three above.

Last but not least I came across this gem when I was trying to get a couple shots edited quickly while I was traveling abroad and thought; why not give it a try?!?

Its absolutely fantastic and has a similar layout to Fotor...which I love.

One drawback to this is that there are many features which are limited to 'Plus' users only, and in order to unlock those actions you must sign up for a Plus account which costs only around $2.99 a month.

If you don't want to spend that though, you can also use it for free though expect limited actions with the free version.

So, thats that Ladies and Gentlemen! Hope you find it useful and let me know if you end up using any of these or if you have any other websites that you use and love which I did not mention here. These are just a few of my favourites but I would love to hear what you all think! Till next time, Irene

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